
Customize the theme of your apps.

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In this lecture, we look at how to use the theme engine in PowerShell Universal Apps.

Code from This Video

$Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'AntDesign'
$Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'Atom'
$Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'MaterialDesign'
# $Theme = New-UDTheme -Background 'blue' -SecondaryColor 'white' 

# $Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'AntDesign'
# $Theme.light.palette.background.default = 'green'

$CustomTheme = @{
    palette    = @{
        primary = @{
            light = '#63ccff'
            main  = '#009be5'
            dark  = '#006db3'
    typography = @{
        h5 = @{
            fontWeight    = 500
            fontSize      = 26
            letterSpacing = 0.5
    shape      = @{
        borderRadius = 8
    mixins     = @{
        toolbar = @{
            minHeight = 48
    overrides  = @{
        MuiDrawer         = @{
            paper = @{
                backgroundColor = '#081627'
        MuiButton         = @{
            label     = @{
                textTransform = 'none'
            contained = @{
                boxShadow  = 'none'
                '&:active' = @{
                    boxShadow = 'none'
        MuiTabs           = @{
            root      = @{
                marginLeft = 1
            indicator = @{
                height               = 3
                borderTopLeftRadius  = 3
                borderTopRightRadius = 3
                backgroundColor      = '#000'
        MuiTab            = @{
            root = @{
                textTransform = 'none'
                margin        = '0 16px'
                minWidth      = 0
                padding       = 0
        MuiIconButton     = @{
            root = @{
                padding = 1
        MuiTooltip        = @{
            tooltip = @{
                borderRadius = 4
        MuiDivider        = @{
            root = @{
                backgroundColor = 'rgb(255,255,255,0.15)'
        MuiListItemButton = @{
            root = @{
                '&.Mui-selected' = @{
                    color = '#4fc3f7'
        MuiListItemText   = @{
            primary = @{
                color      = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) '
                fontSize   = 14
                fontWeight = 500
        MuiListItemIcon   = @{
            root = @{
                color       = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) '
                minWidth    = 'auto'
                marginRight = 2
                '& svg'     = @{
                    fontSize = 20
        MuiAvatar         = @{
            root = @{
                width  = 32
                height = 32

$InstallDir = Split-Path ([PowerShellUniversal.AppToken].Assembly.Location) -Parent
$Dashboard = . "$InstallDir\Docs\index.ps1"
$Dashboard.Theme = $CustomTheme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10